
Thanksgiving Eve

I know it's been a long time since I blogged, and I know you've been checking here everyday for the past month crying, waiting for us to check in, desperate for news from the Great White North. Well we're back! Alright, enough of that. ;o)

These past few weeks have been busy but good, sorting through things and figuring out life together. The rain has set in. It's dark by 3:45. I feel like a bear getting ready for hibernation in my cave. But I'm so excited about Turkey tomorrow! For the last 3 years I haven't celebrated Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving. And worst of all, I haven't watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!!!! But I will tomorrow. :oD

I've updated my photogblog so you can check that out. Also, you can check out my Flickr site any time to see what we've been up to in pictures.

Also, life update, we got Blackberries. Was it a good idea? We'll see. But so far so good! I always have my calendar at my fingertips and don't feel the urge to respond to every single ding. Plus, it has BB Messenger which means I can text anyone with a BB for free any time.

That's all for now. It's date night and we rented Four Christmases. :o)


Carrie said...

omg, bec, send me your pin number and we can bbm!!!!

Unknown said...

cool blog! come check out mine