
Cleanliness is next to Godliness

So I spent about 6 hours today scrubbing my bathroom and kitchen. I had my rubber gloves on so long my hands smelled... not so good. For almost the last four years I've been trying to find a cleaner that actually gets/keeps glass shower doors clean. I think I found that today. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It works quite well and thought I'd share that with you.

I also thought I'd share another way that Brian and I (but mostly I) have been keeping our lives a little more organized. I've never been one for planning. I.e. in school, if the teacher asked for an outline, I would write the paper and then give them an outline from that. For some reason it's hard for me to sit down and map out thoughts. But I forced myself over that hump (it took a good hour the first time) and started making weekly meal plans. From there I can make a very good grocery list, making sure I have every little thing I need.

Here is a link to the meal chart I made. I also included a place to keep track of my water, coffee, and soda intake and my exercise.

And here is a link to a blank grocery list I made. (There are two blank lists on one page.) It's organized according to the layout of the grocery store I always go to, but you could make your own according to how you like to shop.

Do you have any tips or tricks that make your life easier? I've been eyeing these recipe jotters thinking I could easily make may own version...


We had an awesome time celebrating Thanksgiving this year! I even got to watch part of the parade! Our wonderful friend's family hosted Brian, me, and two of our Canadian friends for the Big Meal. It was a mini project reunion, minus the other half of our team from this summer.

Here are some photos from Turkey Day:
Megan cooking pancakes for us.

Megan and her jersey from Hjorring Fortuna. (I know I didn't spell it right... I don't speak Danish.)

Brian getting familiar with the rules before they dove into Uno Madness.

Let the Madness begin!

Megan freaking out as the tiles popped. They don't call it Madness for nothin.

The delicious spinach salad with pears, parmesan, and homemade vinaigrette.
And some reading material about Fortuna.

Tim was ready for the man food.

Laura, our hostess, showing off the beautiful sweet potato pie. (She did the marshmallows, Fred did the rest.)

Fred carving the bird. It was so good. He's quite the chef. I won't tell you his secret for getting such a juicy bird. ;o)

Megan diving into the goodies. She cleaned her salad plate first, so I suppose it's okay.


Thanksgiving Eve

I know it's been a long time since I blogged, and I know you've been checking here everyday for the past month crying, waiting for us to check in, desperate for news from the Great White North. Well we're back! Alright, enough of that. ;o)

These past few weeks have been busy but good, sorting through things and figuring out life together. The rain has set in. It's dark by 3:45. I feel like a bear getting ready for hibernation in my cave. But I'm so excited about Turkey tomorrow! For the last 3 years I haven't celebrated Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving. And worst of all, I haven't watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!!!! But I will tomorrow. :oD

I've updated my photogblog so you can check that out. Also, you can check out my Flickr site any time to see what we've been up to in pictures.

Also, life update, we got Blackberries. Was it a good idea? We'll see. But so far so good! I always have my calendar at my fingertips and don't feel the urge to respond to every single ding. Plus, it has BB Messenger which means I can text anyone with a BB for free any time.

That's all for now. It's date night and we rented Four Christmases. :o)