
mr. golden sun

The sun has finally broken through the clouds! Can you believe we haven't seen the sun since last year!? Granted, that's only two and a half weeks, but it's felt like longer. Especially since the greater Vancouver area has been covered by a shroud of heavy fog for the last week. Seriously, coming home from the gym the other day I almost missed our street because I couldn't see the street sign from the road.

This is what it looked like at noon all week.

Of course it's quite dark outside now because the sun likes to be down before 4:30 in the winter up here. But we enjoyed the sun while it lasted. Now if only the piles of snow would go away...

Another thing I haven't seen since last year--sushi. So I'm getting some for dinner. Can you believe I haven't had sushi since November? *eyes wide & head shaking*

How's the weather on the East coast? Have you guys started to thaw?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the sun's been at SFU! for once.