
forget the countdown

So we're a few days away from leaving and things are finally feeling close to being ready to go! I'm getting more excited to be in Paraguay... but I'm not looking forward to the 40 some hours of transit again. I don't know how Brian and I keep getting stuck with these donkey flights. I know it's possible to get to Paraguay in just about 24 hours. Anyway, it should be worth it and this time next week we'll be a few days into our first ever international Soccer Project!

Please keep us in your prayers these next few days. We're wrapping up lots of details and thankfully our intern, Benjamin, has taken a big load off of us. We have our bunny sitters lined up for the summer and our apartment is close to being clean enough! We're finding it hard to quit working at the end of the day simply because there's always something to work on. Pray that we will get good rest these next few nights and make it to Paraguay in good mental and physical health.

I will leave you with this relaxing image :o)

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